If getting paid to do a job is what qualifies a person as a "professional" at that job, then I suppose after this weekend, I became a "professional" photographer. It's something I've always enjoyed doing, taking pictures, but more as a hobby rather than a way of making money. After Saturday, I think I'm in the wrong line of work. I'm not going to be tacky and state how much I made, but it's basically the same as one of my paychecks I get from Apple every two weeks. I couldn't believe it! Now, I'm no professional, and to be quite honest, I don't think the pictures turned out as well as I would have liked. If this is something I'm going to continue, I will definitely need to invest in some better lighting!
The guy playing Santa was an interesting fella as well. A psycho-therapist by day, a clown, magician and Santa by night. I don't know what he really looked like, but a nicer guy I've never met. We sat around between pictures taking about comic books, Sci-Fi, and being right brained. I remember thinking to myself, "I could BE this guy in 20 years."
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