Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fishing Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was fishing with my father, grandfather, and dog, Souly. We were in his old boat in the delta of Louisiana, fishing off the back of it like we did so often when I was a kid. Everything seemed normal enough, I even dropped a nice 14 inch Red Fish off the back of the boat. There is a slight time elapse, then we are in another part of the marsh. I am still in the back of the boat, and off to the right I see two gators; one on a log and another in the water and I could just barely see his eyes. I look to the left and see Souly about 20 feet away swimming toward the boat. I look back to the right and both gators have slipped into the water and were swimming toward him. I immediately dove into the water out to Souly, grabbed him by the collar and swam as hard as I could toward the boat. My Dad grabbed Souly and pulled him aboard, then I felt the gator grab me and pull me under the water, then darkness.

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