Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Men in Black

Last night was a weird one. I starts off on the top of a 6 or 7 story building with a large flat roof. I am there with 3-4 other men pacing around a group of about 15 other men who are all wearing handcuffs with their hands behind their backs. They are all on their knees and in a strait row shoulder to shoulder.

One of the "prisoners" starts getting upset, screaming and ranting about how there is no such thing as aliens, that we are all stupid. "There are no aliens, we shouldn't be here, just let us go!" he said. That's when another one stood up, broke his cuffs, and threw his shoulders back so far that his chest opened up and he literally transformed like a Decepticon into some kind of robotic alien. Two of my men tried to grab him, but not before a chamber in his chest opened up and dropped 2 dozen cell phones on the ground. Somehow I knew they were bombs so I dove off of the roof and landed on the ground on my back. Apparently no one else on the roof wanted to blow up either, so they kicked the bombs off of the roof, right on top of me. Already on my back, I did a backstroke and "swam" through the tall grass to some bushes and flipped over them to the other side. I heard the explosion, and saw the flames lick the top of the bush I was hiding behind. I stood up, and my men had secured the Transformer on the ground, but he had already turned back into a man. I walked up to him and started yelling, "Are you crazy? You trying to get us all killed?" I gave him a kick in the stomach and walked away from him. I jumped and flew back up the 7 stories to the roof where the rest of the prisoners were still being held. I walked up to the man who had been yelling before, "Still don't believe in aliens?" I said.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fishing Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was fishing with my father, grandfather, and dog, Souly. We were in his old boat in the delta of Louisiana, fishing off the back of it like we did so often when I was a kid. Everything seemed normal enough, I even dropped a nice 14 inch Red Fish off the back of the boat. There is a slight time elapse, then we are in another part of the marsh. I am still in the back of the boat, and off to the right I see two gators; one on a log and another in the water and I could just barely see his eyes. I look to the left and see Souly about 20 feet away swimming toward the boat. I look back to the right and both gators have slipped into the water and were swimming toward him. I immediately dove into the water out to Souly, grabbed him by the collar and swam as hard as I could toward the boat. My Dad grabbed Souly and pulled him aboard, then I felt the gator grab me and pull me under the water, then darkness.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Reading in a Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was in some kind of old english township of some sort, flying over the tops of the buildings. I floated down to the street where I met a man I knew, but I cannot remember his face. I told him that this was a dream, and he argued with me that it was not. I told him that I couldn't really fly, that the only place I could fly was in my dreams and he told me that i was wrong. He seemed worried that he could be living in MY dreamworld. The man told me that if I was really dreaming, then I would not be able to read anything, so to prove it to him I looked around the apartment and I found and old leather-bound book. I took the book from the shelf and opened it up. At first, I did see letters on the pages, but they were scrambled and unreadable, so I concentrated, and started to read. The words on the page turned into pictures, and I was able to read the pictures as they told a story about two frogs who fell in love. The frogs got married and had hundreds of little frog babies. I closed the book and told the man that I was able to read it, but the words turned into pictures on the pages, and that I was indeed dreaming. The man turned and said to me, "the words on pages always turn into pictures, whether you are dreaming or not"

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rain, Rain. . .

The last two nights have been about storms. The first night, the first thing I remember is standing on a second or third story patio balcony and looking out into the ocean. The waves were 20 feet high, but were lapping up onto the balcony as if I were standing on the edge of a beach. I remember finding my way out of the apartment, and to some kind of emergency boat shop, where they were selling floatation devices, but these things were barely designed to hold up a 5 year old in a kiddy pool. Some of them WERE kiddy pools, and people were climbing inside and floating off. I was handed what looked like an inflatable whale or walrus, and remember thinking, "this thing is going to last about 5 minutes" The next thing I know, I'm in some kind of situation room, looking on a map of the disaster area. We appear to be looking at the Gulf coast, and what looks to be the Mississippi river is now over 40 miles wide for 200 miles from the coast up.

The dream the next night I was driving in the car with Rachel, everything was fine and I was on the phone with my mom. I looked into the sky and it looked like we were about to drive into a black wall of clouds. I hung up the phone and entered the blackness.