Cade turned 7 months old the other day, what a great experience this has been. . .having a son. He's growing so fast, it's hard to remember week to week what he's doing and for he looked just a few months ago. Fortunately, we're taking a lot of video to keep up with it all.
Here I have the first video I put together of his birthday- the day of his birth.
In this next one, we had our friend Anne come over and take some pictures of Cade and our Godson Tristan. Cade's only about 2 weeks old here. It's amazing now to see him so tiny!
Next, we have a video of Cade leading up to his first month anniversary.
We thought this was a big deal when it happened, but his first laugh was pretty amazing. As it turns out, he's a very happy baby who loves to smile and laugh all the time!
There are several other videos on the Youtube channel, but I'll just skip ahead to Christmas 2009. It's a bit longer than most of the other videos, but I wanted to take full advantage of the 10 minute time limit set on uploading videos.
We had my brother Adam in town last night, and it was a rare treat to have everyone together and not have to worry about the stress of Christmas and the Holiday's at the same time. Everyone got along really well, and it was cool to see the three grand-kids all hanging out together and enjoying each others company.
Things are beginning to solidify and we may have some answers very soon. I know you don't know what I'm talking about, but you will soon. Justice will be served.