Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shooting a dead horse

I don't want to keep harping on this but the shootings just keep on happening. It seems like every day someone else gets shot. Now on the news they are talking about a woman who believed that "God turned her into the Anti-Christ". This led her to shoot her son, then herself, but not before calling home and telling her husband what she had done to their child. CNN even went so far as to show the video footage from the shooting range of then, her son in the front firing off some rounds, while the mother raises her gun to the back of his head. Of course, that's where they cut off the video, but I mean, come on! Are the so desperate for ratings that they would sensationalize the last few seconds of this young man's life? Based on what little I've seen so far, it sounds like we have yet another case of a person on anti-psychotic drugs who most likely was recently taken off of them recently, causing a psychotic break, it's been the case in nine out of ten of these shootings.

It seems to me, that before we start talking about better gun control, we should start discussing better pharmaceutical control. The problem that we're having right now, with people going ape shit and killing everyone around them, isn't going to be quelled by better gun control. The people perpetrating these atrocities are nothing but spoiled brats who decide one day that they've had enough, pitch a fit, and start hurting anyone around them. It's true, that when you have yourself a temper tantrum, if you happen to have a gun at your disposal, you're going to do a lot more damage than if you didn't. Now consider, what if none of these people had anti-psychotic drugs at their disposal? What if they only had something like, oh, I don't know, marijuana, could the temper tantrum (the psychotic break) been avoided altogether? I say, probably so.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Binghamton Shooter

The news is on right now that a shooter entered an American Civic center building in Binghamton, NY and started shooting people. So far CNN is reporting that 4 people are dead and 12 people have been injured. Jason Bermas on Infowars spoke with a police officer friend of his and is reporting that up to 40 people are being held hostage. Time will tell what the final count is, but even one is too many. This is all ongoing, and very few details have been released, but if the last few weeks are any indication of what's to come, it sounds very likely that this is a repeat of what has happened before. As with Alabama and Germany, we will likely find out that the shooter was on anti-psychotic drugs, that he was recently taken off of them, and that he had a psychotic break as a result of being taken off of these drugs. The military will once again be sent in to "maintain the peace" as they did in Alabama, a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Finally, they will use this tragedy as an excuse to rally for tighter and more restrictive gun regulations. Another engineered tragedy following the formula of Action- Reaction- Solution.

More to come as more details are released. My prayers go out to the families of the victims.